What Shoes Does The Joker Wear?

Joker is one of the most loved villains of all time and the Joker movie completely changed how the pop culture perspective of seeing villains.

So if you’re planning on dressing up as Joker for Halloween or just take inspiration from his attire, then stay with us. 

You’re probably surfing through the web and watching all the Joker movies to find out what shoes does the Joker wear.

But to save you some time, I’ve jotted down all the information in one place. So read this article till the very end and you’ll have your answer.

What Shoes Does The Joker Wear? 

What Shoes Does The Joker Wear

Joker wears Magnoli suede shoes in the 2019 Joker movie. Joker from The Dark Knight also wears brown suede shoes that are completely plain.

So if you’re following the Joker from movies, then it’s important to pick a pair with suede material. 

You can also get these shoes with Joker Halloween costumes but if you’re finding it hard to get the pair that looks exactly like the Joker shoes, then it’s better to shop for them by yourself.

There are a lot of plain brown suede shoes that you could get. Just take a reference picture with you to the mall and it will help you with navigation. 

There have been other renditions of Joker as well so if you want to dress up as the Joker from the Killing Joke cartoon, then you’ll probably have to look for a pointier pair, with white and black colour combination. 

The Joker from the cartoons mostly wears spats or wingtips and they’re black and white so you can try and find those as well.

It could be hard to find such shoes in the malls so you can look them up online and it’s way easier to find them in different market places. 

Now that you know what shoes does the Joker wear, you can also figure out the rest of your costume and I can definitely help you with that.

Keep reading to find out more about the costume that Joker wears so you can dress up more accurately. 

What Clothes Does The Joker Wear? 

What Clothes Does The Joker Wear

Depending upon what Joker you’re portraying, the clothes are going to vary.

So, if you’re the Joker from the 2019 Joker movie, then the colour and design of the clothes is gonna be very different from the Dark Knight Joker. But let’s get into it and find out more. 

Green Wig 

No matter what clothes does the Joker wear, he always had green hair in both the movies and cartoons. So, it’s important to get green hair that looks a little wet to match the classic joker look.

Also, make sure to match the slicked back or messy hairstyle of Joker if you want to look really close to his character.

Of course makeup is going to do most of your job but if your hair’s on point, your character will definitely look way more accurate. 


When wondering what shoes does the Joker wear, it’s also important to figure out his outfits. Joker in the movies wears 2 different types of clothes.

One is the combination of Purple and Green while the other is Maroon and yellow. If you’re portraying Joker from the Dark Knight, then get a green vase coat, a purple overcoat and purple pants.

You can also get purple gloves as it adds a great touch to everything. And carrying props like a saw or something will also add onto your character.

If you want to portray Joker from the 2019 movie Joker, then the cloth choice is pretty simple. Get yourself a green shirt, tie of the same colour, a yellow vase coat, and maroon overcoat with maroon pants.

Make sure that you take the picture of Joker with you so you get the exact colour of maroon or the Joker look can be spoiled. 


The makeup of Joker is the most important thing because it can either make or break your character. You can either get the crying makeup of 2019 Joker, with a big smile, blue around the eyes and red nose. 

Or, you can also get the frightening makeup of Joker from The Dark Knight.

Get yourself a black eyeshadow, make your face really white with paint and put that black eyeshadow all over your eyes. Follow the reference picture of the Joker closely, you’ll get what you need to do. 


So, what shoes does the Joker wear? Now that you know all about it and we’ve also helped you hack the entire Joker outfit, we hope that your costuming game will be really strong.

If you’re still worried about where to find all that, then you can easily get it through the costume shops online and you won’t have to look through stuff for hours.

Also, make sure that your Joker makeup is on point because it makes or breaks your entire character. So pay close attention to makeup and hair, the rest of your outfit will automatically fall into place.

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