What Shoes Does Rapunzel Wear?

Rapunzel is a massive pop culture sensation and literally everyone wants a costume like her.

Whether it’s birthday parties, cosplays or even Halloween, people love to dress up like Rapunzel. And now that Halloween is just around the corner, you might be trying to figure out Rapunzel’s dress too. 

But what really confuses a lot of people is what shoes does Rapunzel wear? For the most part, we’re so distracted by her luscious hair in the movie that people hardly pay any attention to her shoes.

So to make your costume more accurate, make sure to keep reading and find out all about Rapunzel’s shoes.

What Shoes Does Rapunzel Wear? 

What Shoes Does Rapunzel Wear

Rapunzel is seen wearing leather shoes throughout the movie.

These leather shoes are brown and have a lace design. They look very comfortable for running around and perfectly depict Rapunzel’s adventurous nature. 

Most people would probably have some rusty brown boots and that would go perfectly with your Rapunzel costume as the centre of attention is always Rapunzel’s hair.

But if you want to keep it as accurate as possible, then make sure that you have rusty brown boots that also have a lace. 

But if you don’t have such boots and don’t want to spend a ton of money, then you can try thrifting.

You could find boots that are rusty and very similar to Rapunzel’s, in your local thrift shops. And boots are not the only thing that Rapunzel wears. 

Although the fun loving princess is fond of adventures, she also doesn’t let go of her feminine side.

So, she often wears dainty little shoes that are perfect to compliment her delicate dresses. Her feminine dresses also go perfectly with her dainty shoes. 

So if you’re going for a perfect princess Rapunzel look, then you can also wear pumps or even ballet shoes that sparkle for a little added magic.

So now that you know what shoes does Rapunzel wear, let’s find out more about it.

Is Rapunzel Supposed To be Barefoot? 

There are a lot of scenes in the movie where Rapunzel is seen barefoot and even in some versions of the original story, Rapunzel does not wear any shoes.

However, that does not mean she’s always supposed to be barefoot. 

In fact, throughout the Rapunzel movie, she’s seen wearing either boots or dainty little pumps. But in most scenes where Rapunzel is at the tower, she’s not wearing any shoes and is seen barefoot. 

So, it’s completely up to you if you want to wear Rapunzel shoes or go barefoot because both would be accurate. However, I would advise you to go for the boots because that would be more comfortable and safe. 

What is The Colour of Rapunzel’s Shoes? 

What is The Colour of Rapunzel’s Shoes

Rapunzel’s shoes in the story are purple. And to be more accurate, the film showed her shoes to be lavender. And there also is a small heel in her shoes which could be visible in a lot of scenes. 

Pastel purple sandals would also work for your Rapunzel look. And if you’re going for the boots, then you can get dark brown boots quite easily from the market.

But for that rustic look, you might have to put in a little more effort. 

For instance, you can apply brown ink or even colour to your existing boots to make them look as close to Rapunzel’s shoes as possible.

Make sure to stick to the brown colour if you’re going for boots because it would complete the look perfectly. 

What is The Material of Rapunzel’s Shoes? 

Rapunzel’s shoes are not very sturdy. In a lot of scenes in the film, we could see her shoes curling up and bending.

It means they are made from either satin or some fabric-like material. So if you’re willing to put some effort into it, you can get one made by buying a fabric and contacting a tailor. 

If you’re going for the Rapunzel boots, which is the less fussy option, then the fabric is leather.

You can find a whole lot of leather boots out there. But if you don’t use leather, then there are a lot of alternatives that look very similar to actual leather. 

It’s not just about the material and colour but also about the overall look of your costume.

And to really ace your halloween costume, you need to make sure that it’s as close to reality as possible. So, now you probably have the answer of what shoes does Rapunzel wear, right?


When picking a costume for Halloween, it’s important to consider the appropriate footwear.

So, if you’ve picked Rapunzel, I hope you know all about Rapunzel’s shoes now. If it’s a party at home, you can even go barefoot because Rapunzel usually stays barefoot in her tower.

Best of luck with planning your fun rendezvous for Halloween!

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